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Archivos de etiqueta: FDJ

France – FDJ pitches impact of COVID-19’s first month at over €192m

French betting operator La Française des Jeux believes the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic will slash at least half of its revenues with turnover for sports betting being hit by €120m in the first month. The first month would also see revenues for lottery games down by €72m. So far, nearly 80 per cent of FDJ outlets…

Francia – La Française des Jeux lanza una oferta pública inicial (IPO) en la Bolsa de París

La Française des Jeux (FDJ), el operador de los juegos de lotería nacional de Francia, ha lanzado su Oferta Pública Inicial en la bolsa de valores Euronext de París, en una medida que podría recaudar más de 1.5 millones de euros. La transacción implicará que el Estado francés venda un máximo de 99,320,000 acciones existentes de FDJ, que representan un máximo de 52 por…

Francia – La privatización del FDJ podría posponerse hasta 2020

The privatisation of the Française des Jeux is unlikely to take place this year with a more likely possibility being early 2020, according to the chain of economic information BFM Business. Even if the decision to privatise part of the lottery operator is not called into question, the adoption of the PACT Act will be…

Francia – El gobierno francés planea la salida a bolsa de FDJ en 2019

A bill could be unveiled on May 16 to give the French government the formula to partially privatise Française des Jeux, the operator of France’s national lottery games whilst still keeping control of the entity. The state’s share, currently 72 per cent, will be reduced in order to introduce float almost half of the capital…

France – FDJ’s lottery sites must be authorised from October

From October 1, French gambling group La Française des Jeux will have to follow the same legislation as the PMU and French casinos, meaning it will have to seek authorisation from the Minister of the Interior for the operation of a point of sale. The FDJ, which currently has just over 31,000 points of sale…

France – FDJ launches new mobile app in France

La Française des Jeux has launched a new mobile application on IOS and Android ‘which aims to regroup the different lottery games.’ Games such as Euro Millions – My Million, LOTO, Keno Winner for life, can be played along with Bingo Live. This application is intended to replace, in the long term, the three applications…

Francia – La Autoridad de Control del Juego en Línea (ARJEL) firma un acuerdo sobre apuestas deportivas

Charles Coppolani, presidente de la Autoridad Reguladora del Juego en Línea (ARJEL), y Thierry Pujol, director de Integridad Deportiva de la FDJ y vicepresidente del Sistema Global de Monitoreo de Loterías (GLMS), una asociación sin fines de lucro regida por la ley suiza, firmaron un acuerdo de apuestas deportivas en línea. 29 loterías nacionales movilizadas contra la manipulación de competiciones deportivas, firmaron un…